Tulum, Quintana Roo, (July 28, 2021) .- Next Saturday, August 14th and Sunday, August 15th, Casa Itzamná, from the community of Cobá, will carry out a course on sustainable management of the Melipona bee. Therefore, Virgilio Gómez, director of research at Casa Itzamná, explained that the place has become a space for the knowledge and dissemination of “Maya wisdom”.
He indicated that this course will cost 2,500 pesos ($ 125 USD) per person, and those interested can contact Gomez at (984) 1436764.
He highlighted that they will talk about the relationship between the Mayas and the bees, they will review the Madrid codex, the deities, how women were seen in the colonies, how they identified themselves, what were the main ancestral and current uses that are preserved of the Meliponas as a source of honey.
He explained that they will teach theoretically what are the characteristics of a colony of bees of different species, how they live and their needs, they will demonstrate how to create new colonies of bees, how to take care of them, and how to manage pests.
The interviewee added that they will give detailed explanations on how to make and rescue a Melipona log and how to transfer the bees from a log to an adapted man-made box.

“In addition to the management of pests, we are also going to teach people how bees feed, how to harvest without causing an impact on bees, that is, there is a whole management method that we are able to share with those interested. ”, Virgilio said.
He explained that these practical works will be taking place in small groups, as they have many people very interested in the management of bees.
Virgilio Gómez commented that the Melipona bees and other native species are charismatic and if they disappear most of the life of the forest will go away: “if we work on the conservation of the jungle we will preserve the culture and if we work on the conservation of the culture we will be able to preserve the forest ”.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom