Mérida, Yucatán, (July 14, 2021). – Yucatán is considered one of the states where the first “Bienestar” Gas Stations would be installed by the Federal Government. And according to statements made by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, these gas stations will offer much more competitive prices for consumers.
However, the project is set to start in the southern area of Quintana Roo, according to the first analyzes already made by the federation through the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur), the Ministry of Welfare, the National Institute of the Social Economy (Inaes) and Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).
In addition to Quintana Roo, Yucatán is part of the initial installation plan for these stations, in addition to Campeche. In other words, the entire Yucatan Peninsula.
Gasolineras del Bienestar seeks to make the incorporation in the business of hydrocarbon distribution accessible to communities and ejidos, from a cooperative and social economy model.
According to what was announced, the target is the community of Sergio Butrón Casas, in the area of Section 7 of the Maya Train Project, an area that is being evaluated for the possible installation of the first of these stations.
Gabriel Guillermo Arellano Aguilar, director of Social Linkage of the Maya Train, stated that this first approach is thanks to a previous feasibility analysis of the project, which, as already mentioned, includes communities in the three states of the Peninsula.
In this regard, Juan Manuel Martínez Louvier, general director of Inaes, indicated that with this project Pemex could compete against foreign brands that currently cover 40 percent of the 12 thousand stations in the country.