CAMPECHE, (July 31, 2021) .- At least three owners of grocery stores in the state of Campeche, have been victims of fraud due to the circulation of counterfeit bills with denominations of 200 and 500 pesos.
Those affected are making a call to merchants and citizens to be alert and train employees to detect a counterfeit bill, in order to be aware and to be able to authenticate the paper money because it is a severe blow to the economy of the local businesses.
In 2020, the Bank of Mexico detected 105.7 million pesos in counterfeit banknotes, which represented a decrease of 3.9 million in relation to the 2019 result.
According to data from the central bank, last year the most forged bill was the 500 peso bill since they detected 158,421 apocryphal pieces in the market.
The Yucatan Times Newsroom