Chetumal, Quintana Roo, (July 22, 2021).- A woman reported to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) a doctor from a Doctor Simi clinic for the crime of sexual abuse, after the doctor allegedly abused her during a consultation.
According to the complaint report, Cindy N., the victim, was treated on July 15th at the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Crimes against Sexual Freedom and the Free Development of the Personality Zone Two, in which she was also given an appointment in the psychology area that was held on Tuesday, July 20th, at 10 in the morning.
The alleged victim explained at a press conference outside the Prosecutor’s Office, that the authorities are conducting investigations, after the complaints she presented before the Public Ministry.

Shee stated that last week she went to a Farmacia Similares, located on Maxuxac avenue, between Guillermo Lope de Vega and 30 de Noviembre, in the Proterritorio neighborhood of Chetumal, as she was having fever and a headache.
However, the diligence was bad and harmful for the patient, because she assured that the doctor named Gerardo N. touched her private parts during the examination.
“He had told me that it could be a urinary infection; It is true, when there is a urinary infection they check your abdomen, but not below the abdomen, I felt very uncomfortable and left, I repeated several times that my only symptom was fever, I only know that the pharmacy is in Maxuxac and the doctor’s name is Gerardo ”.
Cindy N
Juan N., the father of the alleged victim, said that he hopes that the corresponding authorities will apply the criminal penalties that the doctor’s conduct deserves.
“They tell (my daughter) that she has to go in alone because she is of legal age and because of the Covid issue; When the doctor is doing his work he asks her to uncover her blouse so that he check her abdomen, later, and where all the worry comes, is when he asks her to take off her pants, then he begins to touch her inappropriately”.
Juan N
Source: Sipse
The Yucatan Times Newsroom