Umán, Yucatán, (July 02, 2021).- In August, the sleeper manufacturing plant for section 4 will of the Maya Train will come into operation. This facility will be located in the municipality of Umán as part of the operational strategy, with a production capacity of up to 2,600 pieces per day.
During that month, the plant will manufacture 50 percent of the required output, which is 1,200 pieces, and in October the second production line will start operating, which will provide 100 percent of the production required.
With the installation of this plant, other needs of the project will be met, reported the Construction Manager at the ICA Sleepers Plant, Tomás Castellanos Hermida.

“The plant will generate around 120 direct jobs for the blue-collar sector in the region. Approximately 80 people, including operative and administrative personnel that will be trained; and the plant will also generate up to 700 indirect jobs,” he said.
He indicated that the design of the sleepers that will be made in the plant must comply with American and European regulations for passenger trains, which is why a special machine will be required that will arrive from Germany.
“It is a totally new automated system plant with German technology that will take care of important environmental issues. We are going to have crushing equipment to take care of the materials, these equipment are also state-of-the-art with a water reuse system to take care of the aquifers ”, he said.
Castellanos Hermida explained that having a sleeper with a mixed system with enough flexibility to support the load and at the same time elasticity for the comfort of the passengers represents a great challenge.

Due to the importance of these sleepers, a laboratory accredited by the Mexican Accreditation Entity, AC (EMA) will be installed on the same site to guarantee that the manufacture of the sleeper complies with the quality control tests specified by the Maya Train Project.
The sleepers production will be transported by land from Umán to the municipality of Valladolid.