Home Feature Relocation of the Mérida airport, an important benefit for the area where it will be located

Relocation of the Mérida airport, an important benefit for the area where it will be located

by Yucatan Times
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The important issue is to know what will be done with the grounds of the old airport.

MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (August 04, 2021).- With the announcement of the relocation of the Mérida airport, there will be an important benefit for the area where it is built. The new airport will generate great benefits for the locality where it will be installed.

“It will change the city into a metropolitan area where the needs of the municipalities that surround Mérida have to be considered, as they will register a positive economic impact that these municipalities have never seen due to the proximity they currently have to the zone of expansion of the city”, said the president of the College of Habitat Designers and Urban Planners of Yucatán, Daniel Magaña Lush. 

He reported that more than 10 years ago only Kanasín, Umán, Conkal, Mérida, and Ucú were considered as part of the municipalities of the metropolitan area, but currently, these have increased considerably until reaching 11: Acanceh, Timucuy, Tixkokob, Tixpehual, Hunucma, Samahil. 

“Some administrations ago there was a project where it was sought that for there to be an urban benefit there would have to be planning and consider various aspects that encompass the metropolitan area, that is why it is necessary to think about the area that covers it and not only in a particular city or municipality. You have to take into account the infrastructure of roads, drinking water, public transport, in addition to defining which areas will be residential, ” he concluded.

It has been mentioned that the place where the international airport will be planned will be Ucú, but regardless of where this new building is located, a metropolitan urban development plan is needed and not just for one municipality, but for the whole metropolis. 

“You must know where the airport will be located and based on that, define where the commercial area will be built, how public transport will be handled if there will be homes. We would have to start by establishing legal and planning guidelines that should be respected when they are established ”, he added. 

But really the important issue is to know what will be done with the airport that is left, “if it will be a residential area, a large park, it is to know where it will be relocated and what will be done with those large-scale lands, what is the best thing to do with that land for the city of Merida.” 

“Not only think at the municipal or local level but start programs at a larger scale because if these planning instruments or regulations are not created, there will not be a benefit, a clear example is the peripheral area of ​​Mérida where the 500 meters of green area on each side of the road regulations were not respected; so these are the details that have to be taken care of now that it is growing so rapidly ”, Daniel Magaña Lush concluded. 

Source: Sipse

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