CAMPECHE, (August 07, 2021).- About a dozen inhabitants of the 4 Caminos neighborhood located in the private Ferrocarriles street, threatened to destroy the progress of the work of the Maya Train that is right behind their properties, that have been affected by flooding during the most recent rains.

Between the green water and swampy soil is where the inhabitants of this point of the city have to travel due to the fact that the land where the Maya Train will pass was filled to a higher level and, in addition, they placed a hill of sleepers that block the circulation of the water that previously flowed into a natural drainage that was covered for this work.
Therefore, the works of the Maya Train Project have caused their properties to get flooded with the recent rains, and of course, they find this situation unacceptable.

María del Socorro Huicab, one of the almost 50 affected householders, assured that if the authorities of the National Tourism Promotion Fund do not arrive in the area to solve the problem.
“We are going to tear down the fence they put up to divide the work and we are going to do whatever it is that we must do to find a solution. Let them come and see how our houses all flooded”, Maria del Socorro said.

In a tour that neighbors made through the area, it was found that there are flooded lands, muddy soil, lots covered with water, and overgrown undergrowth.

Residents of 4 Caminos ask that a system must be built for the drainage of the water, as more flood effects are still expected due to the next rainfall of the 2021 season.

So far, the people of 4 Caminos have not received any response from FONATUR, the state, or the federal government.
TYT Newsroom