Progreso, Yucatan, (August 14, 2021) .- A body in a state of decomposition was seen on the morning of this Friday, August 13th, floating in the vicinity of Isla Pérez, in the Alacranes Reef.

Before the notice of the corpse, an SSP boat went to the place, whose passengers already located the body in the afternoon, which no longer had legs.
However, they could not rescue the remains, because when they were going to do it, some sharks took the body to the bottom of the sea.
The body was sighted by fishermen who reported the discovery at 9a. Yucalpetén Naval Base, which in turn contacted the SSP to carry out the rescue.
Rescuers from the State Police arrived at the place, but they could not remove the body, because some sharks pounced on him and took him to the bottom of the sea.
The Public Ministry was informed of the corresponding proceedings.
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