YAXCABÁ, Yucatán, (August 23, 2021) .- The State Government through brigades made up of personnel from the State Civil Protection Coordination of the state (Procivy), in conjunction with municipal and federal authorities, continues with the support work towards the population, as well as cleaning and removal of fallen trees in various stretches of roads and highways after the passage of “Grace”.
The director of Procivy, Jesús Enrique Alcocer Basto, went to the municipality of Yaxcabá to supervise the assistance tasks for the affected population, as well as clean-up works carried out by the Civil Protection brigades from Izamal, Tizimín, Valladolid, and Mérida together to National Guard and City Council personnel.
So far, Procivy reported that there is a record of 3,583 trees that fell in 92 municipalities of the state, causing the obstruction of roads and highways, isolating populations or damaging houses, light poles, vehicles, or schools.
SSP and Procivy agents are carrying out cleaning work on the Tixméhuac-Kimbilá of Izamal, Kinil-Chuchub and at the Xaya-Kinil junction, both sections in the municipality of Tekax and the Ichmul-Tiholop highway in the town of Yaxcabá, as well as it was verified that no tree obstructs the visibility of the drivers or traffic signs to avoid any accidents.

Likewise, the Yucatán Potable Water and Sewerage Board (Japay) sent to the communities of San Dionisio and Esperanza in the municipality of Peto pipes of 20,000 liters of water, a crane, and 2 portable electric power generators since the water system was not working due to the lack of electricity due to the effects of “Grace”.
Likewise, follow-up is continuing on the procedures before the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) for the restoration of energy in the communities of San Francisco, Chan Calotmul, Dzonotchel, San Mateo, Petulillo, Papacal, Yaxcopil, Tobxilá and Tixhualactún .

Nicasio Dzul Tec, a resident of the Santa María community, related that he, along with his family, endured the passage of the hurricane in their home, where several trees fell as a result of the rain and strong winds, which caused damage to the structure of his house and cornfield, which he assured was completely lost.
“At 9 am on Thursday the winds began to be felt and the rain began to fall. It lasted about two hours and then subsided, but left us with damage to the thatched house and bathroom. The milpa was completely destroyed. The corn was blooming, but it has already died ”, said the farmer.

On the other hand, Esmeralda Patricia Quintal Uicab, explained that in the community of Yokdzonot-Hú where she lives, most of the damage focused on the cornfields and bee hives that many people in this place work to survive and consume, in addition, many trees fell as a result of the rains and strong winds from Hurricane “Grace”.
The mother and beekeeper said she welcomed the presence of the Procivy staff, who, together with agents of the National Guard and the Yaxcabá municipal police, proceeded to clean the branches and fallen trees in the central park of this community.

The 28-year-old woman reported that the eye of the hurricane passed over this community without causing the loss of any life.
TYT Newsroom