MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (September 30, 2021).- A rock concert , improvised rap and hip-hop, as well as talks , plays , sports demonstrations, forums, and artistic graffiti will be held for free this Friday, October 1st and Saturday , October 2nd at the State Center for Crime Prevention and Citizen Participation ( Cepredey ), located at kilometer 37 of the Mérida Periférico Poniente.
Young people between 14 and 29 years old are especially invited, but people of different ages will also be welcome, who will have a space to participate in the creation of a collective mural.

Giant mural
The event is called “Juvenile Expressions” and to give voice to this diversity of expressions, Cepredey invited 10 local artists who are experts in artistic graffiti and murals, from Mérida, Kanasín, Oxkutzcab, Ticul and Progreso, to carry out a work of 44 meters long.
Other activities for the whole family will be a local art bazaar and sports activations.

The entrance will be free, complying with the sanitary protocols to take care of the safety of each and everyone, with reduced capacity and in open spaces.
This Friday, October 1st, the meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m. and will continue until 7:00 p.m., while, on Saturday 2nd, activities will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Cepredey facilities.
For activities with controlled quota, access will only be allowed with prior registration on the Center’s Facebook profile, where you can also find more information, the itinerary and the registration option for the day.
Source: Sipse
TYT Newsroom