The organization indicated that it is a sector of the population that is in a situation of “extreme vulnerability”, both in the north and south of the country.
MEXICO, (September 07, 2021).- There are four caravans of migrants that have started their journey through Mexican territory in order to reach the border with the United States, due to the lack of responses from the Mexican government to resolve their situation in the country, which meant that they were stranded on the southern border.
The organization Doctors Without Borders (Medicos sin Fronteras: MSF) has described the situation of thousands of migrants living in the country as in ” extreme vulnerability “, which is why MSF indicated that it is developing an ” emergency intervention .”
In a press release, the organization indicated that in the south of the country “around 40,000 people are trapped due to the failure of the asylum system”, for which it has deployed emergency teams to “provide medical, psychological and social assistance. “

The Central Americans decided to leave Chiapas territory due to the lack of response from the Mexican Commission for Aid to Refugees, some have indicated that they have been waiting for more than six months. The Tapachula delegation is where the most asylum applications have been processed, with a total of 45,072 people from January to July – in the six delegations, 64,378 individuals have requested asylum in Mexico.
The migrants that most request this resource in Mexico come from Honduras (26,557), Haiti (13,255), and Cuba (6,446).
He added that the situation that this population lives in southern Mexico is a consequence of the continuous deportations from the United States and the failure of asylum policies.

It should be noted that the Mexican government has sought to stop these migrant caravans in Chiapas territory, which has led to clashes between authorities and migrants.
Activists and United Nations agencies that accompany them denounced the excessive use of force by Mexican security agents. The National Migration Institute suspended two officers last week for having beaten a migrant.
Furthermore, MSF emphasizes that the organization ” denounced the overcrowded conditions and the lack of access to medical and social services suffered by this community”, both on the northern and southern borders.
There are two points that locate how a large number of migrants are concentrated: Tapachula, Chiapas, and Reynosa, Tamaulipas , in the latter case it indicates that there are around 2,000 Central Americans who live in tents about 200 meters from the border, who are exposed to high temperatures, without access to basic services and at risk of safety.
Source: Heraldo de México
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