Home PlanetYucaEnvironment Drinking water could be scarce in Yucatán by 2030, warns CICY expert

Drinking water could be scarce in Yucatán by 2030, warns CICY expert

by Yucatan Times
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Water pollution would compromise reserves by 2030. It is a priority to promote actions to meet the growing demand for water for the Yucatan Peninsula.

MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (September 25, 2021).- The freshwater reserve of the Yucatán Peninsula will not be enough to supply the urban growth forecast for 2030, said José Adán Caballero Vázquez, a researcher at the Water Sciences Unit of the Yucatán Scientific Research Center ( CICY).

During the talk “Science for the conservation of the Yucatan Peninsula Basin,” the specialist explained that by 2030 the capacity of the aquifer will be exceeded by the population’s demand for the liquid in the region.

The researcher asserted that it is a priority to promote actions to meet the growing demand for water for the Yucatan Peninsula, derived from the urban growth that is forecast for 2030.

Water pollution in Yucatán

Caballero Vázquez explained that the problem of the Peninsula is that there is no drainage system, since all houses have septic tanks, and there are not enough wastewater treatment plants.

As a result of this, freshwater is being contaminated with wastewater and therefore actions are required to avoid this process that will leave people without consumable water in 2030.

During his presentation, he indicated that the main problems the aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula is facing, is the vulnerability it presents to contamination by, mainly, the septic tank system used in the region, insufficient treatment plants, and the generation of wastewater that is not treated.

Actions necessary to take care of water

The expert indicated that among the actions to conserve basins and aquifers are:

  1. Sanitize all wastewater
  2. Promote access to sewerage and sanitation
  3. Preserve water quality in streams, aquifers and beaches
  4. Promote adequate access for the entire population to drinking water services under an orderly and sustainable urban development framework
  5. Foster a culture of prevention
  6. Assess the effects of climate change and propose adaptation measures 
  7. Promote the integrated management of water resources and seek sufficient financing

Finally, he stated that the CICY, through its Water Sciences Unit, carries out work that contributes to this problem.

“In the Unit, we carry out projects to understand the aquifer, as well as studies on water quality. We have participated since 2018 in the Specialized Working Group on wetlands,” he said.

Likewise, CICY is currently participating in the research project, together with Ecosur, for the establishment of the South-Southeast Wetlands Atlas and their threats.

Source: Sipse

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