Four former military agents caught in Mexico City with gear, guns, and millions of pesos in cash.
Mexico City, Mexico — Four former elements of the Secretariats of National Defense (Sedena) and Navy (Semar) were arrested Tuesday on a variety of charges after police located 3 million pesos in cash.
The four men were detained by Mexico City police after a vehicle search revealed about three million pesos in cash along with tactical gear and guns.
The four were arrested after Mexico City police pulled over their truck for a traffic violation. When questioning their identity, police noticed the men were armed. All four claimed to belong to the armed forces, but did not provide credentials.

Police, noticing their guns, began a search of the vehicle. They found a false “double bottom” where approximately 3 million pesos in cash was located.
Arrested were Luis Romero “N”, Ramón “N”, José Antonio “N” and Ricardo “N”. The four range in age from 48 to 53. They were found carrying bulletproof vests, weapons and cash. Investigating authorities have confirmed that the four are retired military personnel.
Source: Excelsior
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