YUCATAN, (September 17, 2021).- About a thousand people were gathered in a bullfighting ring where a clandestine ‘Lazo’ tournament was held last night, in the municipality of Baca, which was closed by personnel from the Ministry of Health with the support of the SSP.
The place where the bullfighting event was held is called “Los Cardenales”, and it was closed by State Police staff.
Alerted about this, personnel from the Ministry of Health moved to the place, but the tournament organizers did not allow them access.
Support was requested from the SSP and only then could inspectors from the Directorate for Protection against Sanitary Risks could enter the premises, who verified the non-compliance of sanitary protocols in this phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, and ordered the immediate closure of the place.

At the site there were about a thousand people who did not keep a healthy distance, many did not have face masks and there was no antibacterial gel and their temperature was not taken.
Consequently, the lasso tournament was suspended and closing stamps were placed on the charro canvas.
As we have reported previously, lasso tournaments have been held across the state for years, but these have been banned because they encourage mistreatment against animals, in this case, bulls, and horses that end up gutted.
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