The athlete left this Thursday 23rd, heading to the municipality of Tenabo. He will continue his journey to Yucatan and Quintana Roo
Campeche, (September 25, 2021).- A movie come true, but with the difference that he is a German runner and that for every kilometer he gets donations for at least a dollar. Jonas Deichmann, known as the German Forrest Gump, passed through the Campeche capital, rested and this Thursday left for Tenabo bound for Yucatán.
Burdened by the climate that prevails in the peninsula, he said that the difficulty is the heat that hurts him for a better advance performance, he assured that Mexico has been a country where he ran in a calm and fluid way, amidst wonderful landscapes, as he highlighted the deserts of the north of the country and the vegetation near the coasts, as an example, he mentioned that Campeche has very attractive beaches.
He recalled that the reason why he runs, unlike the character played by Tom Hanks, is so that his “sponsors” donate at least a dollar for each kilometer traveled, and the total money will go to associations that support African children on issues of nutrition, among others.

This Thursday even, as in the film, he left from the photographic viewpoint on the city’s boardwalk towards the municipalities that make up the area called Camino Real, starting with the municipality of Tenabo, then Hecelchakán and finally going to Calkiní to then go to Yucatán and then to Cancun, where he will take a flight to his country.
There, local runners would accompany him until the exit to Campeche and those who could reach the town of Kobén, which is about 20 kilometers from the Campeche capital.

In Campeche he was received by Mauricio Arceo Piña, current head of the Ministry of Tourism, who affirmed this type of eventuality promotes the tourism of the entity in an institutional way. “Jonas is a witness that he discloses the beauty of Campeche on his social networks such as Facebook and with his acquaintances, and it is publicity that costs the state the least, but on a separate issue, a privilege for an athlete like him to visit Campeche,” he said.
Source: La Jornada Maya
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