The cost is 120 pesos (6 USD), proceeds are intended to support troubadours in the Yucatecan capital.
MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (September 10, 2021).- If you have no plans for this weekend, we remind you that this Saturday, September 11, the video mapping “ Dialogues of the Conqueror ” will be presented on the facade of the Casa de Montejo on one side of the main square (Plaza Grande).
The event is at 8:00 p.m. with a cost of 120 pesos , which are used to acquire food pantries for the troubadours of Mérida, who can no longer offer their services in the basement of the Municipal Palace due to the Covid pandemic.

For health reasons, people over 70 years of age and children under 11 years of age are not recommended to attend this event.
What is it about?
The video mapping includes a short theatrical performance in which the history of the founding of Mérida is discussed, as well as a trio and regional dance performance.
The show lasts 45 minutes and is screened every Saturday at 8:00 p.m. on the facade of the Casa de Montejo. For safe access, all protocols and measures are in place to respect the healthy distance.

(Photo: AyuntaMérida)
Due to the Covid pandemic, the troubadours of Mérida are one of the groups most affected economically, since their activity is 100% face-to-face with the public and the coronavirus does not allow them to work for more than a year now.
Through the Culture department, the Mérida City Council grants donations to the Mérida Troubadour Associations.
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Source: Sipse
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