The beekeepers, represented by Laureano Pech Esquivel, estimate that the death of the bees was due to the fumigation of a pepper field located in the area.
Quintana Roo, (October 06, 2021).- The application, presumably, of a very harmful chemical in a pepper field located in the machining zone of the La Candelaria ejido, began to kill the bees of at least 12 apiaries in the area again, apiaries from the agrarian nucleus of José María Morelos municipality denounced.
They indicated that the report of the first bee deaths occurred over the weekend in the apiary of Mr. Laureano Pech Esquivel, but later the same occurred in at least 11 more apiaries of the same ejido. According to beekeepers, the whole population of 200 hives has died so far, but the mortality may spread to other apiaries.
The beekeepers, represented by Laureano Pech Esquivel, estimate that the death of the bees was due to the fumigation of a pepper field located in the machining area, although they are not sure of this until the sample of the dead insects is analyzed, same that they handed over to the authorities.

They mentioned that about three weeks ago the first bee deaths were reported in their apiaries; As a result, they spoke with the owner of the pepper field, Carlos Tun, who promised not to spray again, but he did again three days later, which is when the death of the insects became widespread.
The producers delivered a sample of dead bees from their apiaries yesterday morning to the authorities of the agricultural sector of the municipality, to be sent to a laboratory for analysis. Two years ago, in the ejido of La Candelaria, more than 240 hives died, also due to the fumigation of a pepper plantation that was owned by a Yucatecan businessman.
On that occasion, the Government paid 900 pesos for each hive, when its real price was 1,800 pesos, estimated Laureano Pech. The beekeepers said that due to the death of the bees they will not be able to get honey from their apiaries this end of the year, which implies tremendous damage to their economy, since beekeeping is an important source of income for many families in the Yucatan.
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