50 percent of household garbage belongs to this type of waste: expert says.
Merida, Yucatan, (October 20, 2021).- Composting means returning its nutrients to the soil after consuming organic products, explains Emily Canul, founder of ‘Compóstalo’; who points out that 50 percent of household garbage belongs precisely to this type of waste.
Organic waste does not have to end up in the sanitary landfill creating leachate, it can become earth if it is deposited in a compost bin with earth and dry leaves, instead of leaving it useless (and polluting) when taking it out in garbage bags because “in Mérida, we are not following the correct procedure”.
Even if you divide the garbage that you place on the door of your home, it will end up in exactly the same way as if you had mixed it all together, due to the lack of the appropriate processes in the entity.
For this reason, the founder of Compóstalo, finds compost as a better way to avoid global warming, either from the home itself or by calling a site like Compóstalo, which has an organic waste collection service for composting.

“By doing this, each person is being responsible for their own waste that they generate, managing to reduce up to 50 percent of global garbage if all people took that responsibility and reintegrated them on the earth,” she points out.
In order to start in the world of compost, she suggests investigating, since there are different types to do it according to the characteristics of the place, size, time available, among other details. “It is not much that is going to consume you in terms of time, but there are those who do not have it.”
You consider this decision important and necessary to make way for a decision because you could even collect individual waste and take it with a friend, family member, or known person who makes your compost.
“It is a grain of sand, whether it is a lot or a little, it has a very important impact,” she points out that it will even be something tangible and verifiable when taking out the garbage for the usual collection, as it will be much less.
Doing this, in addition, allows raising awareness even about the amount of food that is wasted in every home on a daily basis”, she concluded.
Source: La Jornada Maya
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