Home Business-newBusiness Maya train will boost development in communities of the Puuc Route

Maya train will boost development in communities of the Puuc Route

by Yucatan Times
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YUCATAN, (October 11, 2021).- Families that live in ten municipalities in Yucatán will have the opportunity to improve their income, with the launch of a program that will position the Puuc Route nationally and internationally as an inclusive destination that encourages full respect for natural and cultural heritage.

This is the Regional Program for Tourism Development of the Puuc Route that is proposed in parallel to the Maya Train project to expand the offer of services to visitors, such as accommodation, transfers, leisure, recreational and adventure activities, and to learn more about the culture and gastronomy of the region while improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the communities. 

This innovative proposal that rests on four fundamental pillars: Regional Integration, Integral Consolidation, Sustainability, and Cultural Preservation, was elaborated in a consensual manner by the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur), the municipalities of Maxcanú, Kopomá, Opichén, Muna, Santa Elena, Ticul, Oxtuxkab, Maní, Akil and Tekax, as well as the Secretariat of Tourism Development (Sefotur) of Yucatán, an agency to which it was recently delivered for validation and execution. 

The arrival of the Maya Train will bring more visitors to Yucatan, who will be able to go to the archaeological sites of Uxmal, Kabah, and Sayil, among others; as well as the protected natural areas of San Juan Bautista Tabi, the Kabah National Park, the Puuc Biocultural State Reserve, and the Ría Celestún Biosphere Reserve, so the program considers their conservation and the sustainable use of attractions and resources that make up the Puuc region.

In this sense, the program proposes twelve lines of action: Historical and cultural conservation of the Puuc Route; Integration and social participation; Strengthening of the tourist offer, expanding the accommodation capacity to spend the night; Professionalization of human capital to offer quality services; and the Creation of tourist products that extend the stay to achieve greater economic benefits. 

Likewise, it raises the Assurance of universal accessibility with inclusive, safe, and easily accessible spaces for all, both in tourist areas and in urban systems of the route; and the creation of tourist routes and circuits that integrate the diversity of attractions of the Puuc Route, with a transportation system that connects the main tourist distribution centers with the Maya Train station in Maxcanú.

Similarly, the program puts ecological preservation and environmental conservation first, to take advantage of natural resources in a sustainable way with actions of the public and private sectors to safeguard ecosystems; as well as the integral improvement of the urban image, with the rehabilitation and continuous maintenance of public spaces in the municipal capitals of Maxcanú, Akil, Muna, Santa Elena, and Tekax. 

It also includes the Strengthening of urban tourism infrastructure and equipment, with spaces and means for residents and tourists to meet their transportation, safety, health, and recreation needs; the alignment of economic activities to tourism development, such as manufacturing, crafts, and agriculture; as well as the Promotion and commercialization of the tourist offer to consolidate the positioning of a unified regional identity, which places the Puuc regional brand on a national and international level.

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