Mérida, Yucatán.- The Secretariat for Culture and the Arts of Yucatán (Sedeculta) presented the Autumn Cultural 2021 program that includes 83 activities in which 529 Yucatecan artists will participate, in seven venues: Mérida, Progreso, Tecoh, Izamal, Hunucmá, Valladolid and Motul, from October 13 to 30.
Loreto Villanueva Trujillo, head of the agency, informed that the government is investing 1.3 million pesos and the objective is to reactivate cultural spaces, as well as the conditions of dozens of local artists after 18 months of pandemic.
The proposal is to continue with the decentralization of culture to reach more municipalities; therefore, in this edition there will be 24 musical activities, 30 plays, 8 dance presentations, 10 children’s activities, 9 literature activities, including: book presentations and 3 scenic activities.

Otoño Cultural 2021 will take place over 17 days in the José Peón Contreras Theater, the Mérida Cinema, the José María Iturralde Theater in Valladolid, as well as in open air venues in the towns of Izamal, Progreso, Tecoh, Hunucmá and Motul, where up to 75% of capacity is expected to be reached in the closed spaces.
He explained that after 18 months of the closure of the cultural spaces, the return of cultural activities is propitious for the economic reactivation of the different artistic groups that have suffered due to the lack of events, so it is expected that the activities will be well attended by the public, since all the activities will be free of charge.
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