With 21 votes in favor and four Morena against, Congress of the State endorses the new standard, which is in line with the General Climate Change Law of the Federation.
MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (October 30, 2021).- The State Congress yesterday approved the State Environment Law, sent by Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal and which is aligned with the General Law of Climate Change of the Federation.
When submitted to a vote, in general, it had 21 votes from the PAN, PVEM, Movimiento Ciudadano, Nueva Alianza, and the PRD, and four against from Morena; In particular, it had the support of 17 votes from the PAN, PVEM, Movimiento Ciudadano and the Nueva Alianza Yucatán, and four against Morena, PRI and PRD, after an intense debate.
The representative for Morena, Alejandra Novelo Segura, presented a suspensive request stating that the opinion “was not sufficiently discussed.”
Her argument was rejected by the majority of the legislators. The PAN representative Jesús Pérez Ballote pointed out that, during the committee sessions, the representatives of Morena did not present any proposal on the opinion and asked “Do you know how many articles we discussed in the committee? None whatsoever”.
Speaking in favor of the environmental law, the president of the Environment Commission, Harry Gerardo Rodríguez Botello Fierro (PVEM), affirmed that the approved initiative is the result of a participatory process, where 70 experts from the academy were actively involved, the State Executive, the Secretariat for Sustainable Development, as well as organized civil society and the private sector.
“This law, through its six titles and 84 articles, seeks to promote measures to mitigate greenhouse gas and compound emissions and strengthen the implementation of actions in terms of adaptation and reduction of vulnerability, helping to achieve a sustainable development that raises the quality of life of the population “, he specified.
New advisor
In the same session, with 17 votes in favor, the plenary session of the state Congress appointed Carlos Alfonso Murillo Kú as an advisor to the Council of the Judiciary of the State Judiciary; in total there were 19 candidates who were put to the vote of the 25 representatives.
Source: Sipse
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