Mérida,Yucatán, (November 24, 2021).- A life dedicated to lighting Yucatecan homes, promoting the Christmas atmosphere and announcing the arrival of Christmas with their articles, can be found next to the Polifunctional Gymnasium (Address: Calle 60ᴬ, Colonia Alcalá Martín, Mérida) and their presence in Yucatán is already a tradition at this time of year.
Natives of the Sierra Norte de Puebla, of Xicotepec de Juárez, have spent approximately a decade exalting the December spirit among Yucatecan families with their products.
“We have the Nochebuena flowers, the hay, the pine trees that cannot be missed, everything for the Christmas decorations, lights, spheres,” said Oscar Cruz Eslava, manager of the establishment.
Cruz Eslava stressed that one of its objectives is to provide variety to customers and prices within the reach of local inhabitants.

“We have natural trees that are for planting, the smallest from 500 pesos to 700 and the largest from 900 and a thousand pesos,” she said.
“Nochebuenas also varies according to size, we have it from 50 pesos, there are 70, 110, 170, 300 and the largest volume up to 600 pesos,” she added.
Far from their place of origin, it is a way of earning their daily bread, with long hours from 6:00 a.m. to midnight, every day.
As expected, Cruz Eslava revealed that in 2020, sales suffered a decline due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
With contingency progress, earnings are expected to be more satisfactory this Christmas.
TYT Newsroom