From 2007 to 2021, a total of 4,120 Yucatecans have lost their lives in the streets, avenues and highways of the State.
Mérida, Yucatán, (November 24, 2021).- As a result of road accidents, the lack of caution, and excessive speed, so far in 2021 a total of 254 people have died in Yucatan, revealed the traffic engineer René Flores Ayora.
Within the framework of the World Day in Remembrance of Road Accident Victims, which is commemorated every third Sunday in November, activists and communicators gathered at the Monument to the Homeland, to recount the year and launch a call for the reduction of speed.
Flores Ayora recalled that this has been recognized by the United Nations (UN) since October 26, 2005, when its General Assembly adopted resolution 60/5 as an adequate recognition of the people who lost their lives as a result of the catastrophes on the streets and highways.

Reducing speed is vital
“This year marks the beginning of a second decade, during which World Day will play a very important role, highlighting the very reasons for all the actions needed over the next decade.
He said that worldwide, more than 1.3 million people die each year in traffic accidents, a figure in which Yucatan figures contribute an average of 286 deaths per year.

Accompanied by the president of the Cicloturixes civil association, Everardo Flores Gómez, Flores Ayora estimated that from 2007 to 2019 Yucatán accumulated 3,663 Yucatecans who have lost their lives in the streets, avenues, and highways of the State, to which 203 will be added in 2020 and the 254 that count during the current year.
“Traffic accidents are not accidents, since they do not occur in a fortuitous way, they are predictable and avoidable consequences that have a cause,” he stressed.
Memory for the victims
Flores Ayora explained that like every year, the objectives of this date are to remember all the people who died and were seriously injured on the streets, avenues, and highways, recognize the work of the emergency services, draw attention to the response of authorities to road deaths, advocate for better support to victims and promote actions based on scientific evidence, to prevent and stop deaths.

“On this World Day the focus is placed on reducing the speed of vehicular traffic, slowing speeds that have the potential to prevent many deaths and serious injuries, in particular, those of pedestrians and all other vulnerable users,” he concluded.
Source: La Verdad Noticias
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