The new “Luz Emérita” videomapping was added to the cultural offer of Mérida, which now includes the Macay Museum Downtown Mérida
MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (November 26, 2021).- A videomapping in the Cathedral of Mérida , will be presented this Friday, November 26th with the name of Sacred Stones , as well as a new one that includes the facade of the Macay Museum , called Luz Emerita .

From now on, every Friday, at 8:00 p.m., the facade of the Cathedral will be filled with color and history with the Sacred Stones videomapping, which tells the story of the building made with the stones of the ancient Maya city of Tho.

The audiovisual trip is accompanied by a narrative in 12 verses created exclusively for the Cathedral and the music is based on sacred songs from the Choir of the City of Mérida.

New video mapping of Luz Emerita del Macay
Likewise, as of last November 19, the new Luz Emerita videomapping was added to the cultural offer of Mérida, a piece of light and sound visual environment to contemplate the passage of time in the history of the city.

This show will also performed every Friday from 8:30 p.m. on the facade of the Museum of Contemporary Art Ateneo de Yucatán Macay-Fernando García Ponce.
Source: Sipse
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