Dubai, United Arab Emirates, (November 11, 2021).- Yucatán is present at the Dubai World Expo 2020 and shows all the investment opportunities and commercial, cultural, technological, and tourist exchanges, with which it can contribute to the reactivation of the world economy and the generation, for our state, of thousands of better-paying jobs for families in the state.
On his first day of activities, the governor of Yucatán, Mauricio Vila Dosal, was part of the Mexican delegation, led by the undersecretary of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Martha Delgado Peralta, who said a bilateral meeting with officials from the United Arab Emirates, led by the Minister of International Cooperation, Reem Ebrahim Al-Hashimi.
Vila Dosal, together with the other members of the Mexican delegation and the United Arab Emirates, discussed the commercial and business opportunities that could be established between both territories, as well as the cultural and tourist exchange.
He spoke of the opportunities to increase the economic ties that exist for the benefit of both peoples, in addition to the expectations that exist after the pandemic to strengthen economic and cultural cooperation.
As part of the Mexican delegation, Vila Dosal participated together with the Governors of Hidalgo, Omar Fayad Meneses, and Oaxaca, Alejandro Murat Hinojosa, as well as the national leader of Canacintra, Enoch Castellanos Férez, and the Mexican ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Francisca Méndez Escobar, at the inauguration of Mexico Day, in the pavilion that our country installed.
He pointed out that Expo Dubai is a great opportunity to show the attractions of Yucatan, such as its natural and cultural beauties, magical towns, nature reserves, and archaeological centers, “so today, here, is to be in the most important center in the world for increase the relations of our state with the world”.
Then, at a press conference together with Undersecretary Delgado Peralta, thanked her for her support and told her that it is an honor and a pleasure to be at Expo Dubai, pointing out that visiting Mexico is like visiting 32 different countries, with various cultures, cuisines and attractive.
“Being in Dubai is a pleasure and representing Yucatan an honor, but above all to create bonds of fraternity with other peoples and cultures,” he said.
Within this sample, in which 190 countries and international organizations participate, Yucatán has the opportunity to establish alliances that allow attracting more investments to the state, which also means the generation of more jobs and a strong boost to economic reactivation.
The Pavilion of Mexico was built from the idea of the Monarch butterfly, which symbolizes roots, mobility, migration, exchange, and strength.
It is very close to the center of the Universal Exhibition and its location allows a great capacity to attract visitors; It is expected that more than 2.5 million people will know and visit it, throughout 182 days.
It has 900 square meters on three levels: the ground floor consists of an exhibition gallery and shop; on level one, there is a restaurant and a bar, and on level two is the Business Center.
Within the Mexican pavilion, the state will have a time called Yucatan Day, which will be this Thursday, to show and offer its culture, industry, tourism, gastronomy, technological innovations, and projects.
Vila Dosal is accompanied in this commercial mission by Ernesto Herrera Novelo, head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Labor (Sefoet), along with businessmen and leaders of Chambers, who represent different sectors of the local economy, and paid their own expenses for being on this investment attraction trip.

They are the presidents in Yucatan of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) and the National Chamber of the Electronic Industry of Telecommunications and Information Technologies (Canieti), Eduardo Alvarado Mujica; from the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), Fernando Ponce Díaz; Alberto José Berrón Bolio from the National Council of the Maquiladora and Export Manufacturing Industry (Index); of the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra), Jorge Charruf Cáceres, and of the National Chamber of the Clothing Industry (Canaive), Jorge Moreno González.
Also, the owners of the production companies are attending, such as Arturo Peniche Solís, general director of Juguera de Akil; Miguel Peón Medina, director of Mimiel and Alí Charruf Álvarez, manager of La Anita.
Vila Dosal and the other members of the delegation toured the host country’s pavilion, whose theme is the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the creation of the United Arab Emirates. This space was designed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, it measures 15 thousand square meters with exhibition areas, an auditorium, restaurants, bars, and VIP lounges, and developed an architectural design that represents a falcon in flight, symbolizing the leadership and pride of the country. and thus linking the futuristic design of the building itself with falconry, an activity very characteristic of Emirati culture and history.
Expo Dubai 2020, as it is colloquially known, was postponed for a year due to the pandemic; more than 200 countries and organizations participate in it. It began on October 1 and will conclude on March 31, 2022.
The theme of this Universal Exhibition is “Connecting minds, creating the future”, being sub-themes those of Sustainability, Mobility, and Opportunity; 25 million people are expected to visit.
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