The construction of a much needed World-Class airport on Lake Texcoco started under the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto.
MEXICO, (December 06, 2021).- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced a consultation with 16 ejidos in the State of Mexico to declare as a Protected Natural Area the 14 thousand hectares, in which the International Airport of Mexico was going to be built in the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto.
“A consultation will be held with the peoples to declare 14 thousand hectares -10 thousand of the federal zone and 4 thousand of social property- as a Protected Natural Area, the president said in a message on social networks.

He also criticized that environmentalists had not protested when the International Airport was going to be built in the past six-year term, as he said they were “stuck.”
Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Environment, María Luisa Albores, said that if the decree is proof in the consultation, the decree could be published on February 24, Bandera Day. She pointed out that this place has a historical value, because in this place is the nopal where the eagle was found devouring the nopal.
“Here the great Tenochtitlán was born, here our national shield was born. When we see the cactus, the eagle and the snake is devouring. That nopal is on Lake Texcoco. It is emblematic, ” she pointed out to the Secretary of State.

He added that they seek to declare the area as a Natural Area in order to protect 678 species that inhabit the place, of which 107 are endemic.
In his turn, the PRI member and governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo del Mazo, supported the initiative of turning Lake Texcoco into an ecological park for the enjoyment of the inhabitants of the State of Mexico.
Source: Forbes
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