Check out these tips to keep your tree fresh this Christmas
MÉRIDA, Yucatán, (December 9, 2021).- Although it is not a 100% Yucatecan tradition, putting up the Christmas tree is a celebration for many families and some choose to buy natural Christmas pine trees .
In Mérida, in 2020, more than 1,200 natural Christmas pines were collected after the festivities, in the collection centers established for this purpose in the Yucatecan capital.
So having a tree of this type may be an option if you take into account its origin and final destination so as not to affect the environment.

How to take care of the natural Christmas tree?
The natural Christmas tree envelops in a festive atmosphere and offers a delicious fragrance for our home.
However, if we want to keep it in the best possible condition throughout the days, we will have to give it some care that will help it maintain its vitality and freshness.
Tips to take care of your natural Christmas tree
We must not forget that the Christmas pine is a plant, so it needs water. The foundation is vital, as it will keep you hydrated, which will extend its life time.

The base of the tree should be a container with at least 1 liter of water that covers every inch of trunk diameter. You can buy a special base for Christmas pines or use a bucket full of pebbles. Never put it just like that on the floor.
Put it close to the light
Like other plants, your pine needs light. The recommendation is to place it near a window so that it gives it sunlight, but trying not to receive it directly, with this we will avoid damaging the tree and drying it.
Also, placing it near a window can receive small waves of air, remember that it is used to a cool and cold climate.
Water the tree constantly
You have to add water to it almost every day. Your natural Christmas tree should have a lot of water in the base (or container). Make sure that its water level can never be below the base of the trunk.
In addition, natural pines shed needles frequently, but if your tree is well watered it will lose fewer needles.

Similarly, keeping it well hydrated will not only benefit the vitality of your pine tree and extend its life span, it is also an important safety measure, since being less dry, it is less flammable.
But if your tree has run dry, you can solve it by cutting an inch from the base of the trunk and putting plenty of water on it again.
Keep your tree away from heat
Move your natural Christmas tree away from fireplaces, radiators, or kitchens, as these heat sources could quickly damage it. In the worst case, they could be the cause of a fire.
Also remember to turn off the lights of the tree every night, this will avoid possible accidents and will keep the temperature of the tree low. It is best to use LED Christmas lights.

Avoid stains
Check the trunk of your Christmas pine frequently to verify that there are no drops of sap leaking through the trunk. This will keep the furniture and the floor of the house clean.
Source: Sipse
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