With the appointment of the president, Victoria Rodríguez will become the first female governor of Banco de México.
MEXICO, (December 11, 2021).- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador appointed Victoria Rodríguez Ceja as governor of the Bank of Mexico, replacing Alejandro Díaz de León, who ends his post on December 31 of this year.
“I inform you that based on articles 38, 40 and 4l of the Bank of Mexico Law, the head of the Federal Executive Power appointed said Governor of the Bank of Mexico, as of January 1, 2022 and until January 31 December 2027, so for the pertinent effects I am enclosing this certified copy of the respective appointment ”, indicates an official letter sent to Banxico by the Legal Counsel of the Presidency, which already has an official seal.

In the document sent by the legal advisor María Estela Ríos González, it was recalled that the Senate approved the appointment of Victoria Rodriquez Ceja as a member of the Governing Board of Banco de México.
With this, Victoria Rodríguez Ceja will become the first woman to be governor of the Bank of Mexico as of January 1.
During his approval only as a member of Banxico, opposition senators criticized the election of Victoria Rodríguez because she would be appointed by the Executive as governor of Banxico.
Legislators who were a minority considered that the former Undersecretary of Expenditures does not have the requirements or the monetary experience to be at the head of the central bank.
Source: Forbes
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