The Governor of Yucatán, Mauricio Vila Dosal, was present in a message from President Andrés Manuel López for the first 3 years of his government.
Merida, Yucatán, (December 02, 2021) .- The Governor of Yucatán, Mauricio Vila Dosal attended this Wednesday, December 1st, the ceremony in which President Andrés Manuel López Obrador addressed a message to the people of Mexico on the occasion of the third year of his Government, with whom he agreed on the need to make more changes and continue working in coordination to seek the best for the state.

From the Zócalo of Mexico City, Vila Dosal listened, together with other Governors of the country, federal officials, legislators and citizens, the account made by the head of the federal Executive of the main actions that have been carried out during the first 3 years of its administration.

Source: Por Esto
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