On the other hand, 26% said that instead of partying they would prefer to request a salary increase.
MEXICO, (December 14, 2021).- Although it seems that we are in the new normal, leaving work from home behind, the reality is that we still have not been able to return to 100% what we did before.
According to a survey carried out by the OCCMundial, the companies have decided not to hold end-of-year events to take care of the health of their employees.
41% of respondents said that this year there will be a New Year’s Eve party in their jobs, based on the survey “Labor thermometer” of OCCMundial, career center globally.
On the other hand, 59% of Mexican workers will have a year-end celebration:
35%Â said it will face the respective sanitary measures.
24%Â confirmed they will have a virtual event.
Only 72% of those surveyed consider it important that companies hold events that strengthen the integration of employees when asking them about the relevance of having this type of celebration.
On the contrary, 26% said that instead of having a New Year’s Eve party, they would like to request a salary increase, improved benefits, training, new equipment, and work tools.
In its 85th week, the “Labor Thermometer”, which runs from December 03 to 09, revealed that the total number of active vacancies in OCCMundial is 78,789, a deficit of -14% of vacancies published over those reported before the pandemic.Â
The good news is that the recovery of job offers follows an upward trend at the national level in almost all the categories of the page, hoping that with the beginning of the holiday season, hiring will increase.
What categories increased vacancies at the OCCMunidal?
Among the categories that reported the highest growth in vacancies were:
– Marketing (+ 42%)
– Communication and creativity (+ 20%)
– Insurance (+ 25%)
Temporary vacancies vs permanent vacancies
Temporary vacancies increased, taking 6% of the total registered vacancies, while the home office modality registers 4%.
The video calls or online meetings that users attend per week are maintained with the same intensity:
– 91% attend 1 to 10 meetings.
– 7% from 11 to 20 meetings.
– 2% attend more than 20 face-to-face meetings or video calls.
Source: Sipse
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