Merida, Yucatan, (December 20, 2021).- This Sunday hundreds of Yucatecan families gathered at Military Camp No. 32-A, “Gral. Div. Salvador Alvarado” from Mérida, Yuc., In order to live with the women and men that make up the Mexican Army and Air Force.

During the tour, visitors were able to appreciate the various modules alluding to the DN-III-E Plan, Health, Transmissions, War Materials, Dog Training Track, as well as participate in the Pinta Caritas, Exhibition of Collection Vehicles and Motorcycles, Tómbola de Raffle of Prizes and Children’s Games.

It should be noted that during the activity a strict sanitary control was followed and the use of a mask was mandatory.
With these activities, the Mexican Army and Air Force ratify their commitment to carry out civic actions and social works that tend to the progress of the country.
Source: Yucatan ahora
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