Emmanuel ‘N’, an elementary school teacher in Huixquilucan, was arrested for allegedly sexually abusing 10 girls and two first grade boys.
MEXICO, (December 18, 2021).- An elementary school teacher in Huixquilucan, State of Mexico, was arrested for sexually abusing 10 girls and two boys, the state Attorney’s Office reported.
In a statement, the Prosecutor of the State of Mexico revealed that several reports pointed to Emmanuel ‘N’, 31, fondling making 12 of its students on campus, located in the colony Santiago Yancuitlalpan.
Having the necessary evidence, the Prosecutor’s Office requested three arrest warrants against the accused, which were authorized by a judge.
Emmanuel ‘N’ was arrested and admitted to the Tlalnepantla Penitentiary and Social Reintegration Center, where he was under the custody of the judicial authority, which will determine his legal situation.

Source: López Dóriga Digital
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