Mérida, Yucatán, (Decembder 20, 2021).- Elements of the Public Security Secretariat (SSP) arrested an individual last night who defaced a bus stop on the Va-y-Ven route with aerosols.
State police during their surveillance routine surprised 24-year-old Jorge Luis GN, when he damaged the stop bus of the Mérida Periférico side of Calle 50 Sur with paint.

The subject, originally from Champotón, Campeche, was secured two cans of spray paint.
The young man was placed at the disposal of the State Attorney General’s Office.

The Ministry of Public Security urges citizens to report cases like this to 9-1-1 that are detrimental to users, who have the right to receive modern and good quality public services, so that any damage to the infrastructure of the state will be sanctioned in accordance with the Law.
Source: Yucatan ahora
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