Home Business-new Yucatecan companies are invited to do business at Expo 2020 Dubai

Yucatecan companies are invited to do business at Expo 2020 Dubai

by Yucatan Times
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Sefoet invites you to participate in the strategic agenda coordinated by the Business Center of the Mexico Pavilion.

Mérida, Yucatán, (December 29, 2021).- Yucatecan companies expressed interest in joining the activities of the Business Center of the Mexico Pavilion in Dubai, after the Trade Directorate of the Ministry of Economic Development and Labor (Sefoet) coordinated a presentation on the opportunities to establish alliances with more than 190 countries at the World’s Fair 2020.

Last November, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal attended the inauguration of the aforementioned pavilion, leading a commercial mission in the company of the head of the Sefoet, Ernesto Herrera Novelo, and representatives of the local private initiative, to expose the possibilities of commercial, cultural, and tourist exchange with the region.

During the online presentation, in the presence of more than 50 participating companies, the director of Commerce of the agency, Teresa Espinosa Atoche, pointed out that “due to the participation of Yucatán within the Pavilion, Yucatecan companies have the right to participate in the appointments of businesses, in the strategic agendas and in the specialized weeks, coordinated by the Business Center ”.

For her part, the Pavilion’s Business Commissioner, Ingrid Orozco, recalled that Expo 2020 Dubai will be open until March 31, 2022, which is why it continues to host B2B meetings, talks, and meetings, as well as a series of activities related to Government and private initiative.

She also explained that, from the beginning of the international exhibition, the weeks were divided by themes, with forums and interventions by interested delegations. In addition, the Business Center designed an agenda focused on economic promotion and investment attraction for Mexican projects.

In this way, from January 9 to 15, the Tourism Week will take place, and from February 17 to 23, the Agribusiness Week. Also, there will be activities on fashion, products with designation of origin, and gastronomy, among others, which represent a range of opportunities for firms in the territory. The Sefoet serves as a link between them and the aforementioned unit, provided that they make the most of their participation through previously arranged appointments, visits, and talks of interest to them.

“The Government of the State of Yucatan is opening this door for its entrepreneurs and it is magnificent that they can take advantage of it,” stressed the director of the Business Center, Gino Demeneghi, accompanied by the General Commissioner of the Mexico Pavilion, Martha Jaramillo.

Finally, it emerged that Dubai is a strategic hub and the Expo constitutes a linking platform, which allows the different industries to link with key distributors, chambers of commerce, and other actors, both in this region and in the more than 190 countries with a presence in her.

The invitation to Yucatecan firms is to participate in the thematic weeks that interest them so that they find business opportunities that promote them and allow them to reach new markets. Those who wish to know more about it can contact the Directorate of Commerce, at [email protected] or by phone (999) 930 37 30, extension 29008.

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