Merida, Yucatan, (December 11, 2021).- Representatives of the “Zero Pyrotechnics” campaign urged citizens to avoid the use of fireworks this holiday season, in order to avoid harm to animals and people sensitive to this type of product.
Raúl Argáez Ortega, representative of this movement in Mexico, said that all municipalities should follow the example of the municipality of Progreso, which prohibited the sale and consumption of fireworks in that town, and those who fail to comply with this federal crime will be punished.
“Fireworks affect a lot, not only domestic animals but also wildlife; it also affects autistic children who have very sensitive ears, older adults and also the environment, ” he highlighted.

“The call is to avoid this type of product, and we also call on the authorities to be aware of the issue and above all to prohibit the sale of pyrotechnics and punish those who ignore the prohibition measures,” he said.
However, if a situation arises in which pyrotechnics are present, Argáez Ortega recommended that pet owners protect them so that they calm down and do not panic.
“The furry ones get tachycardia, they go into a terrible panic when they hear the pyrotechnics and the recommendation is to keep them in a room, live with them, put on relaxing music like classical, play at that moment, put on a Christmas suit and a little tight so that they feel protected and if you have a lot of pets separate them so that they do not attack each other if they hear fireworks “, he stressed.
Source: Yucatan ahora
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