Mérida, Yucatán, (January 13, 2022).- Unlike his first government report in 2020, which was attended by dozens of special guests, in an event that was held at the Merida International Congress Center, for this third report, Governor Mauricio Vila Dosal will bet on an austere event.
This will be carried out in a live broadcast on their social networks, as well as on different mass media, in order to reach all corners of the state.
“By law our government report is the third Sunday of January, it will be an austere report, a virtual report, it is not worth putting anyone at risk to make a government report,” the governor said.
Finally, he stressed that a count will be made of the results obtained during the pandemic, which can be seen next Sunday, January 16th at 11 in the morning.
“We are going to recount what we have done, especially since the pandemic began, how the Yucatecans have come together as one to face this pandemic and the great work that the Yucatecans have done to attack health measures” , He said.
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