In Campeche, the possibility of the entry of applications such as Uber is still being analyzed, as well as the delivery of new concessions in order to have improvements in the public transport service.
(CAMPECHE, CAMP. – TYT).- Citizens assure that it is necessary for the state to have other transportation options, since taxi drivers cannot cope with the demand, and provide poor service, as well as many have been singled out for dismal behavior with society and the poor state of their vehicles. However, they reiterated that taxi drivers should not oppose these new services since Uber would generate more jobs for hundreds of people from Campeche.
It should be noted that it was back in 2016 when Uber arrived in Campeche for the first time, but 15 months after, the digital platform of this transportation service stopped operating because it did not have the guarantees of an adverse environment that It was raised at that time due to the disagreement of taxi drivers from the local Taxi Driver Union, and the State Institute of Transportation.
The integral reform of the State Transportation Law needs to be reinforced in Campeche. Local legislators affirm that citizens deserve improvements in transportation services, likewise authorities announced that if it is necessary, a signature drive will be launched to show that people need more transportation options.
Another benefit that this service would bring is that, at present, the tourism that arrives in the city is surprised because they do not find this type of travel option and Campeche cannot be oblivious to this situation, but it was also said that the Taxis in the state will continue because Campechanos will continue to use them, however, the situation could change as concessions are expected soon so that these workers have the conditions to operate without a law that prohibits them.
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