Mérida, Yucatán, (January 13, 2022).- It will be in the months of January and February when the different chambers and business organizations of Yucatan will complete changes and re-elections of directives for their management, for the first time a woman will be in charge of Coparmexin Yucatan, it is the businesswoman Beatriz Gómory Correa, who will begin her term in February at the Mérida Business Center (CEM).
As has been confirmed, the Canacome headed by Iván Rodríguez Gasque; Canacintra, directed by Jorge Charruf Cáceres; Canieti, chaired by Eduardo Alvarado Mújica, also president of the Business Coordinating Council (CCE), Canirac, under the responsibility of Roberto G. Cantón Barros, will be re-elected.
In the same way, the following will remain in charge of their responsibility for one more year: Jorge González Moreno from Canaive -the clothing industry-; Jorge Cardeña Licona, as head of the Small Chamber of Commerce.
Meanwhile, in the next few days the CMIC will be elected, where Raúl Aguilar Baqueiro is fired after two years and a single form in favor of Raúl Monforte González is announced.

In the same way, it has been announced that the leadership of the National Council of the Maquiladora and Export Manufacturing Industry (Index Yucatán), has a new leader Alejandro Guerrero Lozano, after the management of Alberto Berrón Bolio.
In these business changes, the election of the businesswoman Beatriz Gómory Correa stands out, who will take the reins of the Merida Business Center, in the re-election of Fernando Ponce Díaz, who served two terms as head of the organization. This will be the first time that a woman has taken charge of Coparmex-Mérida since its foundation.
Other leaders who will be re-elected for one more term at the head of their respective chambers are the president of Canacome, Iván Rodríguez Gasque.
In this case, the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) headed by Eduardo Alvarado Mújica, Canieti) will pass into the hands of Iván Rodríguez Gasque next February, as part of the agreement established between chambers in the rotating command of the leadership that is from six months.
On this same subject, in February the re-election process of Juan José Martín Pacheco at the head of the Mexican Association of Yucatan Hotels, the ratification for a new term of David Escalante Lombard, at the head of the Association of Tourism Promoting Agencies is announced. de Yucatán, AC, and Jorge Carrillo Sáenz will also continue in his responsibility, at the head of the Cetur (Tourist Business Council) of Yucatán.
The Yucatan Times