Home Headlines After John Kerry’s visit, Mexico and the US agree to form a working group for clean energy production

After John Kerry’s visit, Mexico and the US agree to form a working group for clean energy production

by Yucatan Times
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AMLO and John Kerry agree to increase the potential of Mexico and the US in terms of clean energies.

(MEXICO – FEDERAL GOVERNMENT).- The governments of Mexico and the United States agreed to form a working group to promote the production of clean energy, assured Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard.

This after a private meeting of more than two hours at the National Palace between President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and United States President Joe Biden’s special envoy for climate change, John Kerry.

Foreign Minister Ebrard said Kerry’s big concern is accelerating the transition to clean energy.

“The substantive part is that it was agreed to form a working group, task force, between Mexico and the United States to have an understanding like the one we did on security matters, that is, what would be the actions that we can take together.”

The head of the SRE said that it was a meeting where everyone gave their point of view, because both are quite frank.

When questioned if there were claims about the electrical reform, Ebrard said no because each one has raised their points of view.

“The main agreement is to form a joint work team that you have to prepare this action planI estimate that it could be next month”

The person in charge of Mexican foreign policy said that today in Mexico the proportion of CFE energies has more clean energy than that produced by the private sector.

“But that’s not the discussion. the discussion is what we can do in these three years and in the next 10 to increase the potential for clean energy production between Mexico and the United States.”

He explained that the meeting started late because President López Obrador showed John Kerry the National Palace, its murals and gave him an explanation of the country’s history.

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