Ambassador Ken Salazar apparently changed his mind with John Kerry’s visit to Mexico, and now he attacks AMLO’s electricity reform because it promotes “dirty technologies”
(Time Media Mexico).- In a new way, the United States, and its ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar, once again attacked the electricity reform of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ) by pointing out that it is obsolete because it promotes “old-fashioned and dirty” technologies.
In this way, it is added to the other occasions in which the Americans have expressed their rejection against the electrical reform proposed by AMLO because they accuse that it would put consumers and the economy in general at a disadvantage.
According to the US government, there is concern about the current proposal for Mexico’s energy sector as it would gain an advantage in the economy by using dirty technologies over efficient renewable alternatives.
The US embassy in Mexico issued a statement in which it explained that it will continue to analyze options for the better welfare of US companies in the private sector.
“The United States government has repeatedly expressed concern about Mexico’s current energy sector proposal. Promoting the use of dirtier, outdated and more expensive technologies over efficient renewable alternatives would disadvantage both consumers and the economy in general,” said Ken Salazar.
The diplomat said the White House will listen to the views of the Mexican government on a range of energy issues while consulting with US private sector companies “to better understand how to achieve our energy and climate goals.”

Electrical reform and Salazar
Salazar’s statements were made known in the framework of the visit he made this Tuesday to private renewable energy projects in Baja California Sur and on the eve of the work trip that the special envoy for the Climate of the United States, John Kerry, will carry out to Mexico.
His demonstrations are also presented after Thursday of last week, after a meeting with legislators in the Chamber of Deputies, he agreed with the Mexican president with his initiative to reform the Constitution in electrical matters.
“President López Obrador is right to say ‘we are going to make changes for the best of the people.’ So, in this process that exists now, that the president has proposed, his reasons have to be understood. But here, as I was a senator, I have already done it three times in the largest laws in the United States, now I came here where the forums that are being held in the Chamber, it is being understood even more. It goes to the Senate and it is understood more. But in the end, we are going to be very close, because, like the peoples, the economy will also be one”, he said last Thursday.
The Yucatan Times