Demonstration students request training for public education staff on issues of sex and gender diversity and human rights
(MERIDA, YUC. – UADY).- Students, activists and groups demanded from the Autonomous University of Yucatan (UADY), specifically from the authorities of the Preparatoria Uno, a public apology for the recent case of homophobia and transphobia that -they said- happened at the school on February 14, during the celebration of the Day of Love and Friendship.
In addition, they demanded that all university personnel be trained on issues of sexual and gender diversity, inclusion and human rights, as well as the implementation of measures that ensure free, safe spaces and coexistence, as well as an education without prejudice or stigma.
These petitions were given to the high school staff.

This Wednesday, February 16, students from the Preparatoria 1, activists and student organizations demonstrated at the doors of the aforementioned school in protest of alleged cases of homophobia and discrimination that were exposed.
They explain that during one of the activities carried out for the Day of Love and Friendship, in which the students could “get married” at the Civil Registry, the institution’s administrative staff told the students that it is “indecent” to show affection between two men. In addition, they sanctioned the male students who were using makeup.
“UADY homophobic, UADY transphobic”, “UADY will be diverse or it won’t be”, are some of the slogans expressed by the students during the protest.
In solidarity with their peers, most of the male participants put on makeup, wore skirts or dresses and carried banners with legends such as “If it is already law in Yucatan, why not in Prepa Uno?” (alluding to the fact that if same-sex marriage was approved in state Congress, why can’t students express their sexual orientation without fear… “love is not a crime” or “makeup has no gender”.

Among the points of the petition statement there is also: create and implement a protocol of action and accompaniment for trans students; modification and update of the Gender Violence protocol, with routes to report cases of homo, lesbo, bi or transphobia and a glossary of sexual diversity. “It is impossible that they do not know these terms,” the students said.
In addition, they demanded a constant dialogue with the student groups, as well as a dignified and non-authoritarian treatment. “We will not remain silent in the face of cases of injustice towards our youth. For a secular, free, safe and unprejudiced education”, they concluded.

Eight cases of homophobia and discrimination
Abner Torres, from Spectrum Student Diversity, reported that they have documented at least eight cases of homophobia and discrimination at the Prepa Uno this year, “however, there could be more,” he says.
The student’s leader pointed out that many cases are not reported because the students are afraid of the university authorities.
He also acknowledged that there is a lack of training for teachers on gender and sexual diversity issues.
TYT Newsroom