They want to maintain the bus where they have been taking classes ever since the pandemic broke loose, and improve their place of learning
(MERIDA, YUC. – TYT).- Students from the Esteban H. Cervera and Cervera school come together to paint the bus where they take classes, through a collaborative project they will carry out activities to raise the necessary funds to improve their mobile classroom.
The teacher of the group, María Ceballos Cuevas, explained that the Secretary of Education of the Government of the State of Yucatan (Segey) together with the association ‘Somos el Cambio’, has a program called ‘Extraedad’, with which mobile schools allow children who , for whatever reason, fell behind in basic education, can be regularized.
“Some children are attending primary school in grades that do not correspond to their age because they stopped studying due to economic problems brought by the pandeic, but also fur other reasons such as abuse, mistreatment and different negative circumstances,” said the teacher; for this reason, the objective of this program is to teach them the classes so that, when they change courses, if they have obtained the corresponding learning, they can skip a year and catch up with the other kids their age.
(Photo: Aprendiendo a Volar)
This situation, from her perspective, causes those who are older, to be aware that the conditions in their mobile classroom are not the best, which is why they are creating the ‘Aprendiando a Volar’ (Learning to Fly), project, with which they want to improve the conditions in their mobile school.
The local artist, Datoer, has already offered to give them his work as a gift to contribute to the cause; however, they need the material that represents around 15 thousand pesos, “what we are doing right now is getting the paint.”
(Photo: Aprendiendo a Volar)
To support the 9 students of this mobile school in the south of the city, the teacher made a Facebook page available: and her cell phone is 9992350178.
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