If you travel with children to the beach, keep an eye on them, because carelessness in areas with many people can generate real moments of anguish which it is better to avoid.
(PROGRESO, YUC. – PROGRESO POLICE).- On Sunday, February 20th, two minors got lost, as they got away from their parents while visiting the port of Progreso, in the ‘Malecón’ area, and thanks to the intervention of agents of the Municipal Police of that town, two happy reunions were achieved.
The first case occurred around 2:30 p.m., when the uniformed men, who were doing surveillance work in that area of the port, detected a 7-year-old boy who was walking alone on the traditional Malecón, so they immediately went to where he was.

(Photo: Sipse)
The little boy said that he was lost and couldn’t find his family, so a search began, until on Calle 76 by 19 they found Mr. J.F.T.C., 37 years old, who identifies himself as his father, and who said that he also looking for his son.
A couple of minutes later, a 26-year-old woman identified as C.G.A.O. pointed out that her 4-year-old son had gone missing, so a search operation was mounted, and the little boy was located on Calle 19 with 78 to later give it to his mother.
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