These Yucatecan towns recognized as “Pueblos Mágicos” are attractive for national and foreign tourism.
(MERIDA, YUC. – TYT).- “The tourism that arrives to our state requests more information, in addition to the archaeological zones, of the four Magical Towns : Izamal, Valladolid, Maní and Sisal. In fact, a good influx of visitors has been maintained in those places since December”, said the President of the Cooperative of Certified Guides of Yucatan, José Francisco González Hernández.
He indicated that the tourist who comes to the Yucatan after visiting various places such as Uxmal, Dzibilchaltún and Chichén Itzá, which is the most predominant, are beginning to ask about the Magic Towns because they have had relevance over the years.

(Photo: Magical Towns)
“Izamal was the first Magical Town in all of Mexico, we had the honor of having it because it met all the requirements requested, such as being a colonial city with pre-Hispanic vestiges and most importantly, that its architecture has not been altered, so that Yucatecan municipality I had it all,” he explained.

Yellow Convent in the city of Izamal Mexico (Photo: Google, Travel Report)
New options for tourism in Yucatan
The two most recent places to have the letterhead are Maní and Sisal , which still need to be consolidated because they still do not have the boom of Valladolid and Izamal.
It should be remembered that according to the mayor of Valladolid, Alfredo Fernández Arceo, this city has ceased to be a place of passage for tourists on their way to the archaeological zone of Chichén Itzá, this due to the tourist infrastructure that has been developed in Valladolid, restaurants, bars, hotels, spas, etc.
That is why these communities have maintained a good rate of national and international tourists since the end of last year.
Can you purchase of land in the Magical Towns of Yucatan?
However, González Hernández pointed out that a negative side is being seen in what are considered Magical Towns, now foreigners are the ones who buy the land that exists within them due to the increase in capital gains, since they are the ones who have the economic power to be able to pay the value that is requested at this time.
“So there will come a time when perhaps the essence of the traditional magical town will be lost due to all that transformation.”
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