The Senate of the Republic approved with 105 votes in favor the opinion to commemorate the centenary of the arrival of the Mennonites in Mexico with a commemorative coin, which will be part of the C1 family, which already integrates those alluding to the Bicentennial of the Consummation of Independence and the one of the 700 years of the foundation of Mexico-Tenochtitlán.
(TYT).- Alejandro Armenta Mier, president of the Senate Finance Commission, promoted the opinion that has already been approved and will be sent to both the head of the Executive and the Bank of Mexico (Banxico), with the aim of starting the minting of the currency. Ricardo Monreal, president of the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo), recognized the self-management of the Mennonite community in Mexico.
Although its design has not yet been approved, the piece would have a dodecagonal shape (with 12 sides) like most of the coins corresponding to the C1 family, it would have a weight of 12.6 grams and 30 millimeters in diameter and a discontinuous fluted edge, that is, the edge. It will have a value of 20 pesos.
These coins are made from an alloy of metals: copper, 65 percent; zinc, by 25 percent and nickel, by 10 percent. Added to that the peripheral ring presents an alloy of bronze-aluminum.
Who are the Mennonites?
According to the Revista Mexicana de Sociología, a publication of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the Mennonites are a community of European origin that arrived in Mexico in 1922, settling in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, and governed under the precepts of the Altkolonier Church.
Their language, Plattdeuscht, is not recognized by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi), and “their methods of exploiting natural resources have brought them into conflict with different types of agricultural organizations.” However, they have contributed to the generation of wealth at the local level.
The Mennonites include businessmen, industrialists, and large farmers, as well as professionals and owners of large companies. In the communities where they live, they also have small warehouses such as spare parts or tires, as well as workshops that are the engine of the family economy.

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