San Miguel de Allende has prepared a series of events related to the astronomical event on the ocassion of the Spring Equinox.
(SMT).- The Botanical Garden: “El Charco del Ingenio”, is preparing to receive the spring equinox, welcoming this new cycle of nature, with a special celebration through a staging called “Apoidea, brief hexagonal opera” .
This 2022 marks 31 years of carrying out this incredible tradition in the destination, where the Earth is celebrated in a special way in the natural forum of this canyon. Additionally, one of the main objectives is to preserve and spread each of the natural beauties of the Botanical Garden.
In this year’s celebration, there will be a show of great artistic quality, under the name of “Apoidea, brief hexagonal opera”, a contemporary Mexican work based on the characters of the natural world.
This work was originally dedicated to children, however, this opera is of general interest due to the topic it deals with and the theatricality of its characters, so that adults will enjoy it too.
The staging will be directed by the Opera Portable company, originally from Mexico City, which will be invited to take over the natural forum of the canyon on March 20th and offer a high-level show; made up of professional actors and musicians, who will delight the public with their songs and stage acts harmonized with an extraordinary musical group.
The appointment is next Sunday, March 20th at 5:30 pm, and the general cost of the event is $500 pesos.
The proceedings will contribute to the preservation of the Botanical Garden “El Charco del Ingenio”.

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