Home Headlines The fight against noise pollution in downtown Mérida seems to have no end

The fight against noise pollution in downtown Mérida seems to have no end

by Yucatan Times
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The meters of the “I measure my noise” project developed by the Autonomous University of Yucatán (UADY) and the Technological Institute of Mérida (ITM) have already been installed at various points in the Historic Center of Mérida.

Mérida, Yucatán.- After reporting the above, the director of Urban Development of the Mérida City Council, Federico Sauri Molina, said that now the personnel of the municipal agency will be trained on the management of the software through which the records and measurements will be made.

He recalled that, due to the pandemic, mobility restrictions and that most of the businesses located in the first square of the city closed for a time, the project was stopped; however, the project has already been reactivated and the first results will be available shortly.

“We are implementing the software and training; I estimate that in a couple of weeks we will be able to inform you of the partial results of this important project for the city of Merida”, he explained.

Sauri Molina mentioned some places where the nodes have been installed are on Calle 60 and Calle 56, to mention the main ones.

Real-time measurement
He explained that with the program there will be monitoring of noise in real-time in the downtown areas of the city and will show “heat maps”, that is, the points where the sound is more intense and at what time during the day or night.

The municipal official stressed that the training will allow staff to read and interpret the information generated by the program and make it available to the Mayor’s Office for better decision-making and the creation of public policies on the matter.

“There are many factors that we can measure; for example, much of the noise in the morning is due to public transportation, not necessarily because an establishment generates it, so we have to work with Imdut and eventually have the data and statistics to propose programs and make decisions,” he asserted.

Once the training is finished, he added, the corresponding tests will be carried out to verify the proper functioning of the nodes, as well as monitoring of the records.

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