With the aim of promoting different styles of coffees, coffee machines, cafeterias, and all the products derived from this raw material, the Coffee and Coffee expo is held at the Canaco Mérida convention center.
(Yucatán a la mano).- Expo organizer Julio Ruvalcaba said that products derived from coffee are promoted, and that the one that is sold the most is the one produced in Veracruz, Chiapas and Puebla.
“These states are already coming to put up points of sale, because they are starting to look for distributors, looking for commercial representatives in the southeast,” he said.
In this expo, exhibitors are expected to find new clients, who see them as suppliers, to have inputs in their businesses, exported from the states with more experience in this product.
“Coffee is a topic that in this year 2022 will continue to rise,” he said.

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