Home Feature IMPORTANT: Scrapping campaign in Merida (Descacharrización) is taking place this weekend

IMPORTANT: Scrapping campaign in Merida (Descacharrización) is taking place this weekend

by Yucatan Times
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The scrapping operation will be held with the participation of more than 1,849 people. “La Descacharrización” will take place in the south of Merida on Saturday, May 14, andin the northern zone on Sunday, May 15.

Talking about other “Comisarías” surrounding the city, the southern part of town will be served on Saturday 21st, and the north side on Sunday 22nd.

To prevent vector-borne diseases, the State Government will carry out an intensive campaign to eliminate mosquito breeding sites in the north and south of the city of Mérida for the benefit of 1.1 million inhabitants.

On Saturday, May 14, the brigades will work in the neighborhoods of the southern zone, and on Sunday, May 15, they will work in the northern sector; meanwhile, the neighborhoods and subdivisions bordering the perimeter of the capital, will be attended on Saturday 21 on the southern zone, and on Sunday 22 on the northern region. These removal tasks will be carried out in coordination with the Mérida City Council.

On that day, the head of the State Health Secretariat (SSY), Mauricio Sauri Vivas, indicated that brigades made up of more than 1,849 workers will be deployed through 340 dump trucks for the benefit of 1 million 177 thousand citizens who live in 263 colonies covering more than 11,500 hectares. Similarly, 44 Merida police stations will be covered in health care for 193,000 inhabitants.

The collection of pots and pans will take place from 8 am to 3 pm, so the SSY urges citizens to participate by removing pots and pans from their homes, which are objects that accumulate stagnant water and become potential mosquito breeding sites, which Their final destination will be the Kanasín and Susulá landfills.

The state official urged the population to avoid taking out their pots and pans days in advance, or when the work has finished, because the scheduled times are punctual, so the pots and pans must be taken out early on the day that corresponds to them, to avoid the dissemination of objects in the streets and cause sanitary nuisances.

“If we all heed this recommendation, we will avoid health problems and innecessary accumulation of breeding sites on public roads,” said Sauri Vivas.

Objects such as mattresses, old clothes, building materials, brushes, and newspapers are not considered pottery. By following these instructions we will contribute to adequately eliminating mosquito breeding sites and we will support the work of those who dedicate their efforts to taking care of everyone’s health.

Saturday, May 14, will correspond to the Colonias of the southern zone of Mérida:

November 20, Álamos del Sur, Álvaro Torre Díaz, Amalia Solórzano, Amp. La Hacienda, Azcorra, Benito Juárez Oriente, Bojórquez, Bosques de Mulsay, Bosques del Poniente, Brisas del Poniente, Canto, Castilla Cámara, Central de Abastos, Centro, Cervera Pacheco (San José Vergel), Chichén Itzá, Cinco Colonias, Cinturón Verde, Ciudad Industrial, Cortés Sarmiento, Del Sur, Delio Moreno Cantón, Dolores Otero, El Renacimiento, El Roble, El Roble Agrícola, Emiliano Zapata I y II, Emilio Portes Gil, Esperanza, Francisco I. Madero, Girasoles de Opichén, Graciano Ricalde, Jardines de Miraflores, Jardines del Sur, Juan Pablo II, sección Mérida 2000, sección Orquídeas; Kukulcán, La Flor del Sur, La Hacienda, La Macarena, Libertad I, II y III, Lindavista I, Lomas del Sur, Los Reyes, Lourdes, Manuel Crescencio Rejón, Manzana 115, María Luisa, Mejorada, Melitón Salazar, Mercedes Barrera, México poniente, Miraflores, Morelos, Morelos Oriente, Mulsay, Nora Quintana, Núcleo Mulsay.

In addition, Nueva Kukulcán, Nueva San José Tecoh, Nueva San José Tecoh, Nueva Chichén Itzá, Nueva Mulsay, Nueva Reforma Agraria, Nueva Sambulá, Obrera, Obrera 99, Opichén, Palmeras I, II y III, Paseos de Opichén, Pedregales de Circuito, Pino Suárez, Polígono Opichén, Real Opichén, Reforma Agraria, Renacimiento I, Reparto Granjas, Ricardo Flores Magón, Salvador Alvarado Sur, Sambulá, San Antonio Kaua I y II, San Antonio Xluch I, II y III, San Carlos del Sur, San Cristóbal, San José, San José Campestre, San José Tecoh, San José Tecoh Sur, San Juan, San Lorenzo Zacatal, San Luis Dzununcán, San Marcos Nocoh, San Nicolás del Sur, San Pablo Oriente, San Sebastián, Santa María de Guadalupe, Santa Rosa, Serapio Rendón, Tixcacal Opichén, Valle Dorado, Vergel 65, Vergel I, II, III y IV, Vicente Solís, Villa Magna, Villa Magna del Sur, Villas de Yucalpetén, Villas Mérida, Xoclán Canto, Xoclán Carmelitas, Xoclán Rejas, Xoclán San Manuel, Xoclán Santos, Xoclán Susulá, Xoclán Xbech, Yucalpetén y Zazil Há.

Regarding the same area, on Saturday 21 will correspond to the comisarías of  Caucel Pueblo, Chalmuch, Ciudad Caucel, Dzoyaxché, Dzununcán, Gran Santa Fe, Guadalupana, Hunxectamán, Molas, Petac, Plan de Ayala Sur, San Antonio Tahdzibichén, San Antonio Tzacalá, Santa Cruz Palomeque, Santa Fe, San Luis Dzununcán, San Ignacio Tesip, San José Tzal, San Pedro Chimay, Susulá, Texán Cámara, Tixcacal, Xmatkuil, Yaxnic.

On Sunday, May 15, the campaign will start in the northern part of the city in the neighborhoods May 15th,  Alcalá Martín, Alemán, Amapolita, Atlántida, Benito Juárez Norte, Brisas de Chuburná, Brisas del Norte, Buenavista, Bugambilias, Cámara de la Construcción, Campestre, Carrillo Ancona, Chenkú, Chuburná de Hidalgo, Chuburná Inn, Chuburná Vista Alegre, Chuminópolis, Colonia Yucatán, Cordemex, Del Arco, Del Carmen, Díaz Ordaz, El Cedral, El Porvenir, El Rosario, Elefante Grande, Emiliano Zapata Norte y Oriente, Francisco de Montejo, Fidel Velázquez, Florida Norte, Fraccionamiento del Parque, Fuente Dorada, García Ginerés, Girasoles, Gonzalo Guerrero, Hacienda Real, Inalámbrica, Industrial, Itzimná, Jacinto Canek, Jardines de Chuburná, Jardines del Norte, Jesús Carranza, Juan B. Sosa, La Antigua, La Castellana, La Huerta, La Vaca Feliz, Las Águilas, Las Arboledas, Las Brisas, Las Palmas, Las Vigas, Lázaro Cárdenas, Leandro Valle, Limones, Lindavista I y II, Loma Bonita, López Mateos, Los Reyes, Magnolias, Manuel Ávila Camacho, Máximo Ancona, Maya, Mayapán, Melchor Ocampo, Mérida ISSSTE.

As well as, Colonia México Norte, México Oriente, Montebello, Montecarlo, Montecristo, Montejo, Monterreal, Montes de Amé, Nueva Alemán, Nueva Mayapán, Nueva Pacabtún, Nueva Yucatán, Pacabtún, Paraíso I y II, Paseo de las Fuentes, Paseos de Chenkú II, Pedregales de Tanlum, Pensiones, Periférico Lindavista, Petcanché, Petronila, Pinos, Pinzón I y II, Plan de Ayala, Polígono 108, Polígono CTM, Prado Chuburná, Prado Norte, Puesta del Sol, Revolución, Roma, Salvador Alvarado Oriente, San Antonio Cinta, San Carlos, San Damián, San Damiancito, San Esteban, San Francisco, San Juan Grande, San Luis, San Luis Chuburná, San Miguel, San Nicolás, San Pablo Uxmal, San Pedro Uxmal, San Vicente Chuburná, Santa Ana, Santa Cecilia, Santa María Chuburná, Santiago, Sodzil Norte, Sol Campestre, Terranova, Turquesa, Villa Fontana, Villa Zona Dorada, Villas del Rey, Villas del Sol, Villas La Hacienda, Villas Palma Real, Vista Alegre, Wallis, Waspa, X´com, Xcumpich, Zona Dorada II.

Finally, on Sunday, May 22nd, the northern communities will be served, such as Chablekal, Cheumán, Chichí Suárez, Cholul, Cocoyoles, Colonos, Cosgaya, Dzibilchaltún, Dzidzilché, Dzityá, Ex Basurero, Kikteil, Komchén, Las Américas, Los Héroes, Noc Ac, Oncán, Real Montejo, Sac-Nicté, San Antonio Hool, Santa Gertrudis Copó, Santa María Chí, Santa María Yaxché, Sierra Papacal, Sitpach, Suytunchén, Tamanché, Tamarindos, Temozón Norte, Tixcuytún, Xcanatún, Xcunyá y Yaxché Casares.

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