On Saturday, June 18th, the Yucatan Ministry of Health (SSY) reported the sixth death from COVID-19 this month.
The deceased is a 60-year-old man from Mérida, with a history of high blood pressure.
297 new infections were confirmed (230 in Mérida, 15 in Progreso, 14 in Kanasín and Umán, 5 in Conkal and Valladolid, 2 in Tekax and Teya and 1 in Cuncunul, Huhí, Ixil, Maxcanú, Mocochá, Motul, Oxkutzcab, Peto, Temozón and Tizimín).
A total of 14 people remain in public hospitals (2 more than Friday, June 17th).
From June 1 to 18, there is a total of 3,090 infections and 6 deaths (4 men and 2 women).
The accumulated during the pandemic is now 114 thousand 627 positive cases and 6 thousand 939 deaths in the state of Yucatan.
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